My 100 List

- Slap a racist bitch
- Hug Jim Goldberg
- Travel to Bhutan with mom
- Publish a photo book
- Tell Rehahn Croquevielle in person that “You are a piece of shit”
- Adopt a cat/dog
- Own a scrambler
- Build my own wooden bed
- Hug a Panda
- Travel to Ukraine
- Get a new tattoo related to photography
- Learn sign language
- Finish my 100 Holding Hands project. Only a few left Jesus Christ
- Go to a nude beach
- Do a photographic project about my future kids
- Dine in a restaurant in Japan at midnight
- Submit my Master’s Thesis ✅ (my opponent loves it)
- Buy an electric guitar
- Convince a stranger to delete his/her Tiktok
- Build my own dark room
- Go to Tool’s concert
- Plant a tree
- Write a letter
- Run a photography workshop in Vietnam
- Travel to Mexico
- Convince a portrait photographer to shoot at f8 more often
- Host a talking circle
- Find 2 witnesses and get married
- Road trip in Laos
- Go to Alt-J’s concert
- Write a song
- See a red panda ✅ (I actually saw two, in Poland)
- Pay my debt
- Decor a room of photo sequencing
- Travel to Madagascar
- Run a photography workshop for children
- Learn how to cook Phở
- Tell my future wife how lucky she is to be with me
- Go to a desert
- Attend Radiohead’s concert
- Ride a scrambler from Saigon to Hanoi
- Win a “staring contest” against a stranger ✅
- Learn to ride a horse
- Write 50 short stories
- Invite a Monk and a Christian Father to have a conversation
- Sleep for 8 hours straight
- Design a tattoo for a stranger
- Write a will
- Buy a large-format camera
- Get rid of all of my fast fashion clothes
- Trekking with my dog
- Travel to Mexico
- Scream on top of a mountain that “Life is fucking beautiful”
- Ask a homeless to go for a walk with me ✅
- Catch a dog thief in Vietnam
- Read my future wife a book
- Buy a printer
- Punch a bully
- Tell a desperate person not to ever lose hope
- Teach my future kids photography
- Travel to Mongolia
- Buy a house
- Learn how to plant a garden
- Participate in a writing workshop
- Finish at least 3 photographic projects in one year
- Check my mental health with a psychiatrist
- Tell a German “Your beers are awful” in person
- Buy a medium-format analog camera
- Travel to the Mekong Delta
- Ask my parents whether they are proud of me
- Spank my future wife
- Ask at least 5 strangers to choose between being successful as an engineer or failing as an artist
- Own 100 photobook
- Pet a highland cow
- Buy an Instax camera
- Watch a cheesy movie with my future wife and kid
- Work as a photojournalist
- Travel to 4 continents
- Convince a stranger to buy my postcard in person
- Listen to Jackson Browne’s discography
- Win a lawsuit
- Tell an Italian that “having Ketchup on Pizza is phenomenal” in person
- Finish my rejection letters project
- Try skydiving
- Attend a protest in Vietnam
- Photograph at least 500 strangers
- Get into an argument about photography with a stranger
- Make a stranger cry
- Take a basic drawing class
- Rewatch Boyhood
- Be able to write a Czech sentence
- Run a free photography workshop
- Document my friend’s wedding in black and white
- Write a new poem (it’s been ~25 years)
- Punch a narrow-minded dude
- Tell dad I love him
- Tell mom I love her
- Tell sister I love her
- Tell someone that “I might not become a successful person but I’ve lived my life”
- Be kind ✅
December 21, 2023
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Copyright © Vinh Tran